
Personal data protection

By sending and inquiry, signing a contract or establishing immediate contact, the client agrees to put at the disposal of the data of the client and the company the client represents. The client agrees to the use of such data for purposes of protection of the client’s personal interests in all the transactions contracted.We undertakes to protect the personal data of its buyers, by collecting only the necessary, basic data about its buyers/users, required for the fulfilment of our obligations; it informs the buyers about the manner of utilization of the collected data, regularly allowing them to make decisions pertaining to the use of their data, including whether they wish their name to be removed from the lists used in marketing campaigns. All user data are strictly safeguarded and available only to our employees on a need to know basis. All employees and business partners are bound to observe the principle of privacy protection.The collection and handling of personal data also include the forwarding of client’s personal data to third parties and companies in the Republic of Croatia and abroad. Third parties are all physical persons and companies necessary for the realization of contracted transactions.The client agrees that we, in keeping with the above conditions, may use the client’s personal and/or data of the company for two years following the expiry of the signed contract.For visitors of web site: Website uses Google Analytics to gain an insight into visit statistics. Google Analytics obtains insight into visits from sources like pay-per-click networks, e-mail marketing, display advertising, browsers...